Historia scholastica (hereafter referred as the Journal) is an international expert peer-reviewed periodical. The Journal has been published since 2015 twice per year (online and print) by an important scientific and museum institution – by the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius, and it is masterminded by the executive and international editorial board of the Journal and its heading is controlled by the Scientific Board of the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius.
The Journal aims to publish new research historical-pedagogical and survey articles from the field of history of pedagogical thinking, and history of education.
Articles analyse educational processes in historical perspective, reconstruct major educational discourses, their structure and foundations. Studies deal with the role of important partakers in the field of education, or with personalities of pedagogical thinking.
Since 2015 Historia scholastica is an Open Access journal with online content freely available to the readers under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence. Full articles are available online to all readers immediately upon publication and their further non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, under the condition that the author and the journal are properly credited.
Historia scholastica journal is indexed in SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. The Journal website content is archived by National Library of the Czech Republic.
ISSN 2336-680X (Online)
ISSN 1804-4913 (Print)
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