Aims and Scope

The journal Historia scholastica (hereafter referred as the Journal) publishes articles, reviews, discussions, reports with topics from the history of education, e.g. history of pedagogical thinking, internal life of schools, history of teaching with focus mainly on Central and Southeastern Europe with the emphasis on transnational connections.

The main research aims are historical reflections, analysis and interpretations of topics: childhood and youth, teacher education, curriculum, gender, ethnicity, school environment, society and national identity, education in global society etc. If you have any suggestions to publish the article with similar topic regarding the field of history of education, do not hestitate to discuss it with the editor in chief.   

The journal Historia scholastica is an international journal and it puts a great emphasis especially on international dialogue. Theferore we publish articles of significant Czech and foreign professionals, which ensures the scientific dialogue, transnational comparison and discussion and brings an innovative viewpoint to our research field.

The Journal accepts manuscripts in Czech, Slovak, English, and German languages. The peer-review process is also held in all these languages.

The Journal is published in an electronic and printed form twice per year. The first issue is published in August and the second one in December of the respective year.

Historia scholastica journal is indexed in SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.



© Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského 2025