Peer-review process

Criteria of the article’s evaluation within the peer-review process of the journal Historia scholastica

Criteria are indicative only and are of recommendatory character.

Article content guidelines:

1. The article submitted accords with thematic definition of the Journal.
2. Topic of the article is clearly defined.
3. It is an original research or overview study.
4. The article is clearly structured.
5. The background to the article are reported and justified.
6. The article presents the current state of research and appropriately refers to previous research activities in this field.
7. The text deals with a current and original topic.
8. The text is based on studying of sufficient quantity of representative primary sources.
9. Data and sources interpretation and evaluation are clear and relate to the background.
10. The article evaluates and interprets analysed sources in the context of the given historical and pedagogical topic.
11. Article conclusions are comprehensible.

Formal guidelines:

1. The article does not exceed 20 standard pages (1 standard page = 1800 characters including spaces).
2. References and used literature are given according to the citation standards.
3. The text includes annotation, key words and abstract in Czech.
4. The text includes annotation, key words and abstract in English.
5. The text includes author’s declaration that the text has not been offered to any other journal for publication and author’s agreement that in case of publication of the article in the Journal, the licence to reproduce the text is assigned to the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius.

Reviewer’s recommendation:

To publish the text.
To publish the text with minor changes (description of the proposed changes).
To rewrite the text and take account of major changes and recommendation (description of the proposed changes).
To rewrite the text and re-submit it to the peer-review process.
▪ Not to publish the text in the journal Historia scholastica.
To recommend submission of the text to another journal (specification of the recommended journal).


© Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského 2025