Instructions for authors and the peer-review process

If you are interested in publishing of your article, please send your text to the peer-review process, to the e-mail

Please send the text in the format *doc or *docx.

Range for peer-reviewed study is max. 25 standard pages (i.e. 45,000 characters incl. spaces) and it has to be a historical-pedagogical research study or an overview study, for section Varia and Discussion 15 pages (i.e. 27,000 characters incl. spaces) and for Reviews 8 pages (i.e. 14,400 characters incl. pages). The text has to be in accordance with the recommended editorial rules for citing.

Publishing of the manuscripts is free of charge, no fees are charged for the manuscript submission, processing and publication.

In the case of publishing the manuscript in electronic or printed version the author provides licence to reproduce the text to publishers of the Historia scholastica journal – National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius and Technical University of Liberec.

Peer-review process:

1. The author submits his/her article to the editorial office by an e-mail.
2. The author is notified within 10 days about receipting of the article.
3. The author is notified within 30 days about acceptance to the peer-review process, or about refusal of the submitted article.
4. Reviews by independent reviewers are sent to the author within 60 days after submission of the article.
5. Journal Historia scholastica uses double-blind peer-review. Reviews are written by two independent experts, who are not employed by the same employer as the author, and are not in the conflict of interest with the author or origin of the articles. Editorial office archives the reviews for at least 5 years.
6. If the text is recommended for publication by both of the reviewers, it is published in the upcoming issue of the Journal.
7. If both the reviews, or one of them recommend completion or rewriting of the text, the author expresses himself/herself within 10 days after receipting of the review, if he/she completes or rewrites the text and indicates the date of the planned submission of the completed text.
8. If the reviews are negative, and the text is not recommended for publication, it is returned to the author.
9. If the text is not completed and revised, it is sent to the editorial office or reviewers to peer-review process by the specified date. The author submits together with the revised text also his/her statement to reviewer’s recommendation and how they have been taken into consideration.
10. If the reviewer or editorial office do not find the revisions sufficiently in line to recommendations of the peer-review process, the text is refused and the peer-review process is terminated. In the positive case, the text is accepted for publication in the nearest issue of the journal Historia scholastica.

© Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského 2025