HS 2/2024 - International

Historia scholastica 2/2024

  • Simonetta Polenghi - Improving Children’s Health. Hygiene, Medicine and Pedagogy in the Italian School-medical Service and the Case of Milan (1950–1970)
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-001
  • Daniel Oelbauer - Schule und Unterricht unter den Bedingungen des Strafvollzugs im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel des Nürnberger Zellengefängnisses
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-002
  • Suzana Miovska-Spaseva - The Children in Need in Postwar Macedonia (1944–1950)
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-003
  • Esther Berner - “Every City Dweller is, if not Ill, at Least in Need of Recovery.” The  Schullandheim (Rural School Hostel) in the Context of Crisis and Reform after the First World War
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-004
  • Carsten Heinze - Education and Vulnerability. On the Historiographical Analysis of the German Educational Discourse on Punishment in the “Short” 19th Century
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-005
  • Maximilian Husny - Deutungskämpfe um das Schulfach Wirtschaft – Eine historische Diskursanalyse zur Pädagogisierung gesellschaftlicher Problemlagen
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-006
  • Jiří Knapík - “What We Can Do.” New Year’s Pioneer Revue at Prague Castle and the New Image of Socialist Childhood
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-007
  • Blanka Kudláčová - Preparation of the Future Elites of the Communist Party in the Period of Communism in Slovakia
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-008
  • Janina Kostkiewicz - Sovietization in Poland and its Impact on Education and Pedagogy
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-009
  • Annamária Adamčíková - Latinčina ako predmet diskusie v rámci reformy strednej školy v 1. ČSR. Význam klasického vzdelania
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-010
  • Miroslava Kovaříková - Škola – služba systému, státu či bezpečí žáka. Vývoj školní edukace v bezpečnostní problematice
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-011
  • Petr Kadlec - Vzdělávání jako podnikání: Role soukromých škol v procesu institucionalizace komerčního školství v Čechách do roku 1918
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-012
  • Simonetta Polenghi - The State as the Owner of Education: Totalitarian Regimes and Education in Europe in the Second Half of the 20th Century. An International Conference, 12–13 October 2023, Trnava, Slovakia
    DOI 10.15240/tul/006/2024-2-013
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